
Cronometer Community

Home to our ever growing Cronometer community! Having problems using Cronometer? Can't figure something out? Need some encouragement? It's all here with our awesome community on the Cronometer forums.

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Place for first time users of the forums

458 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Loosing Weight And Weight Mgt With Cronometer

Using Cronometer to lose weight and other weight management goals

305 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Cronometer Challenges

Nutrition and Weight Goal Challenges

208 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

General nutrition

General nutrition discussion

458 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

General Discussion

458 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Success Stories

Place for first time users of the forums

58 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13


Having problems using cronometer? Can't figure something out? Ask here

48 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Feature Requests

Feature Requests for Cronometer

458 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Ask An Expert

Ask a Cronometer expert

658 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Bug reports

1.5k discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

Beta Testing

2.3k discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Idea for app extension by I_ROBOT July 13

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Losing Weight & Weight Mgt With Cronometer
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